oezpa Beirat

Prof. Jonathan Gosling

Trained as an anthropologist, Professor Jonathan Gosling worked for several years as a mediator in neighbourhood conflicts in London, founded the UK‘s first community mediation service and was the founding Secretary of the European Conference on Peacemaking and Conflict Resolution. After taking a mid-career MBA, he moved into management education at Lancaster University, where he directed the MBA and other programmes for British Airways and other major companies. He co-founded, with Henry Mintzberg and three other malcontents, a new approach to management education, the International Masters in Practising Management. This takes place in six countries around the world, and has been the springboard for several subsequent innovations in helping practising mangers to improve the way they manage. Professor Gosling also played a significant role in the so-called ‘critical management‘ movement, launching an influential MPhil and PhD and contributing to the development of specialist conferences and interest groups. At Exeter he led the growth of leadership studies towards a consisted research and publishing profile, significant contributions to undergraduate education, and headed Executive Education for several years. In 2009/10 he collaborated with Jean-Paul Jeanrenaud at WWF International to co-found the One Planet MBA, the first MBA designed explicitly to build on the implications of a fundamental but seldom-questioned assumption: that we have just one planet – and we’ve all got to get along on it!

Amongst the many questions posed by this approach is ‘How will value be negotiated in the food and agriculture supply chain?‘, where producers vie for control with international companies, and nature is valued in different, often incommensurable ways. This complex issue is crucial to enabling peace, health and environmental sustainability across the world, and could be a driver for economic reform; Prof Gosling has co-founded Business, Nature Value, a multidisciplinary, international research cluster to address the issue. Professor Gosling has published articles in Harvard Business Review, Sloan Management Review, Leadership, Management Learning, Academy of Management Learning and Education, and in many more practice-oriented outlets. He is currently finalising a text book based on the One Planet MBA. His most recent book is Napoleonic Leadership: A study in power (Sage, 2015); following his Nelson‘s Way: Leadership Lessons from the Great Commander, published for the 2005 bicentenary of the Battle of Trafalgar. Both books underpin popular talks and workshops on contemporary strategic leadership.

Prof Gosling has also written several core texts on leadership, including ‘Key Concepts’ titles for Rutledge (2008) and Sage (2013); a successful text book Exploring Leadership: Individual, Organisational and Social Perspectives for Oxford University Press (2011, with colleagues at Exeter); and several other collections including one on leadership lessons from fiction.

Professor Gosling advises several companies, international agencies and government departments on their leadership-related issues, and is Lead Faculty member on the Forward Institute’s ‘responsible leadership programme’ 2015-’16. He is a Fellow of the Leadership Trust Foundation ,Trustee of the JH Levy Trust, a co-director of the European Leadership Centre , and a director of Coaching Ourselves Inc.

As former director of the Centre for Leadership Studies (2002-2009), he works with a world-wide first-rate team of researchers, teachers and consultants collectively making a significant impact on both the understanding and practice of leadership.

Professor Gosling is currently (2015) Visiting Professor in the School of Philosophy at Renmin University of China, where he delivered a series of lectures on the Philosophy of Leadership. He held an Otto Mønsted Fellowship at Copenhagen Business School (2014), working on ’the pleasures of power’; was 2009 Distinguished Visiting Professor of Leadership Development at INSEAD, France, working on experiential methods in leadership development; and has held similar posts at at McGill University, Quebec; Lund University, Sweden; and IEDC Bled School of Management, Slovenia.

He retired from Exeter in July 2015, much before the official retirement age, in order to focus on more immediate and impactful contributions to society; he remains active as an Emeritus Professor at Exeter, and can be contacted at http://www.jonathangosling.com

Prof. Dr. Pierre Casse

IEDC-Bled School of Management, Slovenia. Dr. Pierre Casse is Leadership Chair at IEDC-Bled School of Management and professor at the Moscow School of Management (Skolkovo-Russia). Professor Pierre Casse has a PhD in Business Administration, spent 5 years in Africa as a sociologist, 18 years with various International organizations (OECD, FAO, World Bank) and has been a Business School Professor in IMD (Switzerland), Kellogg (Chicago),Solvay (Brussels), IEDC (Slovenia) and SKOLOKOVO (Moscow). He is a Social Entrepreneur and has created his own Foundation (Belgium). He has published about 15 books and been a consultant for many organizations.

He was (until June 2017) a visiting Professor at the IAE University Aix-en-Provence (France), as well as at the Kellogg School of Management (Chicago – USA). He held the “Suez Chair of Leadership” at the Solvay Business School (ULB-Brussels) from 2004 to 2006. He was an IMD Professor from 1986 to 1994. He is the “Dean Emeritus” of the Berlin School of Creative Leadership (Steinbeis University-Germany).

His areas of expertise include Organizational Behaviour, the Global Market and the Cultural Differences, International Negotiations and Strategic Leadership. Professor Casse has published more than 10 books in the areas of multicultural management, leadership, intercultural negotiations, and philosophy and business among them, The Making of Culture (2003), The One-hour Negotiator (2005), Philosophy for Creative Leadership (2007), The Philosophical Leaders (2009), Challenging Leadership (2012), Testing Leadership (2014), Learning Leadership (2015), Leadership Without Concessions (2016), Negotiation for all (2017) and Handy Notes for the busy leaders (2018).

He serves as a consultant to many multinational companies and he is the CEO of “Business Innovation Network” (BIN-Switzerland) and President of a Private Foundation (PFPC).

Ehemalige Beiratsmitglieder

Prof. Dr. Dr. Thomas Schildhauer

Thomas Schildhauer – Informatiker, Marketingexperte und Internetforscher – ist seit 2007 Geschäftsführender Direktor des Zentralinstituts für Weiterbildung (ZIW), welches mit der Marke UdK Berlin Career College die Weiterbildungsangebote der Universität der Künste Berlin bündelt. In dieser Funktion verantwortet Thomas Schildhauer sowohl vier Masterstudiengänge sowie verschiedene Zertifikatskurse, Workshops und Sommeruniversitäten. Darüber hinaus leitet er die ZIW-Forschungsprojekte DigiMediaL – Profilbildung für Musik, Schauspiel und Bühne sowie das Artist Training for Professionals. Seit 2002 ist Schildhauer UdK-Professor am Lehrstuhl für Electronic Business mit Schwerpunkt Marketing (von 2002 bis 2006 gefördert vom Stifterverband der Deutschen Wissenschaft). Zudem lehrt er als Dozent im Master Business Innovation an der Universität St. Gallen. 1999 gründete er das größte An-Institut der Universität der Künste Berlin, das Institute of Electronic Business (IEB), und leitet dieses seither als Direktor. In der Position des Geschäftsführenden Direktors des Alexander von Humboldt Instituts für Internet und Gesellschaft forscht Thomas Schildhauer transdisziplinär insbesondere zur Thematik Internet-Enabled Innovation. Zu seinen weiteren Forschungsschwerpunkten gehören die Themenkomplexe Digital Business Innovation, Digital Marketing/ Social Media, Social Collaboration/ Enterprise 2.0 sowie Crowdsourcing/ Open Innovation.

Im Vorfeld seiner akademischen Laufbahn war Thomas Schildhauer lange Zeit in verschiedenen leitenden Positionen in der Industrie tätig, u. a. als Geschäftsführer bei Lufthansa Systems. Die langjährigen Erfahrungen in der Erforschung und Entwicklung von internetbasierten Geschäftsmodellen konnte er in zahlreichen anwendungsorientierten Forschungsprojekten umsetzen. Thomas Schildhauer ist Aufsichtsratsmitglied verschiedener Unternehmen aus dem Bereich der Kreativ- und der Medienwirtschaft. Seit 2013 hat er den Vorsitz des „Rates der Internetweisen“ inne, der dem IEB als wissenschaftliches Beratungsgremium dient. Im Jahr 2014 wurde Schildhauer zum Mitglied der Berlin-Brandenburgischen Akademie der Wissenschaften ernannt.

Seit 2017 ist er Principal Investigator am Einstein-Zentrum Digitale Zukunft. Zudem initiierte Schildhauer im gleichen Jahr das BMBF geförderte Verbundprojekt des Weizenbaum-Instituts für die vernetzte Gesellschaft mit. Dieses begleitet er seither für den Verbundpartner UdK Berlin als betreuender Teilprojektleiter und Principal Investigator der Forschungsgruppe „Datenbasierte Geschäftsmodellinnovation“.

Prof. Dr. Burkard Sievers

Dipl.-Soziologe, Professor em. für Wirtschaftswissenschaften mit sozialwissenschaftlicher Ausrichtung (Organisationsentwicklung) im Fachbereich Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften der Bergischen Universität Wuppertal/ Schumpeter School of Business and Economics