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Tavistock Consulting veranstaltet vom 25. – 27. Mai 2018 in der Schweiz (Genf) eine Group Relations Conference: „Working in Organisations – the unconscious at work“.


Frau Barbara Lagler Özdemir wird im Staff als Beraterin tätig sein.


How can you take up your professional role at work with stronger sense of freedom and authority?

The conference is a three-day intensive experiential development programme which aims to increase participants´ personal effectiveness and creativity in their organisational role(s).

Issues for exploration include:

  • the impact of self on others and the impact of others on self
  • leadership and followership
  • authority and power
  • delegation and representation
  • lateral and vertical inter-group dynamics
  • the dynamics of sub-groups who share pre-existing relationships


Für weitere Informationen oder Anmeldung kontaktieren Sie gerne Herrn Kay Trainor (ktrainor@tavistockconsulting.co.uk)





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