24-29 June 2019 | Mumbai, India
The eleventh in the series of Group Relations Conferences, titled Knowing & Not Knowing: intention and risk in self and systems.
Group Relations Conferences (GRCs) are unique in the opportunity they provide to explore through direct experience ‘what is mine’ and ‘what is systemic’, and to realize as well, that at times these are not easily distinguishable! GRCs put the spotlight on how we take up our authority in various roles in the systems that we are part of and how unconscious material influences this.
The theme of knowing and not knowing offers the possibility of exploring how both these stances influence the forming of our intentions and the possibility of our taking risks. Their implications on popular notions of leadership and followership, and on the quality and effectiveness of systems and institutions we belong to, build, and nurture, are yet another area for exploration.
You can find more information here.